/*Step 2 Create the top-level job flow – create job flow definition */
i_jf_name =demo_flow,
o_jf_ref_name =example_jf_ref );
/*Step 3 Create the subflow named sentence_subflow */
i_jf_name =sentence2_subflow,
o_jf_ref_name =example_subflow_ref );
/*Step 4 Add the subflow to the top-level job flow */
i_jf_ref =&example_jf_ref,
i_sub_jf_ref =&example_subflow_ref );
/*Step 5 Add tasks (my_hello, my_world) to the subflow */
i_jf_ref =&example_jf_ref,
i_task_name =task1
/* t_in_words =mydata.mywords.sas7bdat,
t_out_greeting =example.hello.sas7bdat*/ );
i_jf_ref =&example_subflow_ref,
i_task_name =task2 );
/*Step 6 Add task (my_sentence) to the top-level job flow */
i_jf_ref =&example_subflow_ref,
i_task_name =task3 );
i_jf_ref =&example_subflow_ref,
i_task_name =task4 );
i_jf_ref =&example_subflow_ref,
i_task_name =task5 );
i_jf_ref =&example_subflow_ref,
i_visual_output_data_list =example.sentence.sas7bdat);
/*Step 7 Save this job flow definition to IRM Server */
i_jf_ref =&example_jf_ref );
/*Step 8 Execute job flow instance in IRM Server */
i_jf_ref =&example_jf_ref );